description |
Historical Indonesian
climate data at KNMI
The table below presents an inventory of the sources
with Indonesian climate data available at KNMI and the estimated amounts of labor
for digitizing each source.
period |
data | amount | estimate
labour# | Remarks | 1866-1970 | hourly
observations air pressure, temperature, moisture, etc. Batavia/Jakarta | ~
105 years of hourly data: 105*365*24 = ~ 1 million obs. (avg. 7
| 1 year of work planner (including metadata
research) + 5 man-year typing = 6 man-year
| More
recent data needed for interpretation
| About 1879-1916
| daily
precipitation sums various stations
| Avg.
300 precip stations: 300*37*365= over 4 million observations.
| 1
year of work planner (including metadata research) + 3 man-year
typing = 4 man-year
| More recent data
needed for interpretation
| About 1917-1965
| monthly
statistics derived from daily values. Per month: precipitation
sums, number of wet/dry days, extremes, etc)
| Avg.
2000 stations with 3 numbers per month: 3 * 49 *12*2000= 3.5 million
| 1 year of work planner
(including metadata research) + 3 man-year typing = 4 man-year
| More
recent data needed for interpretation
| until
1889 mn. 1848-1858
| periodical observations various
| is digitized
| is
| . | 1910-1973
| monthly
and yearly observations. Various stations
| 74
monthly values 3 numbers per month avg. 200 stations 200*74*12*3= half
a million observations.
| 1 year of work
planner (including metadata research) + 1.5 man-year typing
= 2.5 man-year
| It is not clear what is
already digitally available
# For the
labor estimates it is assumed that all numbers are manually keyed into the spreadsheets.
Use of OCR may shorten the estimated time but this needs to be checked at the
start of the project. Estimates are based on experience with comparable projects
within the KNMI Hisklim program.
Post-1970 Indonesian climate
data at BMKG
The table below presents a preliminary inventory of the
post-1970 climate data at BMKG that will be digitized within Didah. A more elaborate
inventory will be produced during the project. PERIOD | DATA | QUANTITY | APPX
MY | 1970 - 2008 | -
Hourly observed air pressure, temperature, moisture, etc. - Batavia/Jakarta
| ~
35 years of hourly data ~ 0.5 million obs. (avg. 7 element/obs)
| 5
MY | 1970-2008 | Monthly
statistics derived values including: precipitation sums, number of wet/dry
days, extremes, etc | Avg. 2000 stations with
3 numbers per month ~ 3 million observations | 10
MY |